Bee Cave Vote For Prop G!
Six months ago, voters from all over Bee Cave signed a petition to add a proposition to the November ballot. If Prop G passes, it will amend the Bee Cave City charter, requiring the city to hold open meetings and include voters in certain decisions regarding the city’s real property (see the actual wording of Prop G below), increasing transparency and voter input. Prop G is on the ballot because of their desire to increase government transparency and public engagement! We couldn’t have done it without them – Thank you!
Help Spread the Word
- Commit to telling at least two friends and neighbors about Prop G, and what it does to ensure more transparency in city decisions and increase voter engagement
- Share a quick message of support on your neighborhood email list, Facebook, and/or Nextdoor? Please comment on, like, and share all pro-Prop G posts you see on social media
Make a Plan to Vote
Confirm you’re registered to vote at your current address. The deadline for doing so is October 7th!
- If you moved to Bee Cave from somewhere in Travis County, you can update your address online
- If you moved to Bee Cave from outside of Travis County, fill out a voter registration application today
Mark Your Calendars!
Registration Deadline – 10/07
Early Voting – 10/21 – 11/01
Election Day – 11/05
Contact BC Vote To Amend with any questions about the proposed amendments or interest in helping to raise awareness and build public support. –